
Method1.TransferyouriPhone'sdatawithQuickStart·StartbybringingthetwoiPhonesclosetoeachotherandcheckthattheoldiPhone'sBluetoothis ...,2023年4月12日—1.First,gotoSettingsandtapGeneral.ThenscrolltothebottomofthescreenandtapTransferorResetiPhone.,2023年8月5日—HowtoTransferDatafromiPhonetoiPhone(EasyMethods)·1.OnyouroldiPhone,openSettings>General>TransferorResetiPhone.·2.,1.Transferdatabetween...

3 ways to transfer data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone

Method 1. Transfer your iPhone's data with Quick Start · Start by bringing the two iPhones close to each other and check that the old iPhone's Bluetooth is ...

How to transfer data from iPhone to iPhone

2023年4月12日 — 1. First, go to Settings and tap General. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap Transfer or Reset iPhone.

How to Transfer Data from iPhone to iPhone (Easy Methods)

2023年8月5日 — How to Transfer Data from iPhone to iPhone (Easy Methods) · 1. On your old iPhone, open Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone. · 2.

How to transfer iPhone data

1. Transfer data between old and new iPhones · Create a backup of your old iPhone. · Turn on your new iPhone and follow the on-screen instructions to set it up.

How to Transfer Your Old Phone's Data to Your New iPhone

2024年7月3日 — How to Transfer Your Old Phone's Data to Your New iPhone · 1. Restore from iCloud · 2. Apple direct transfer · 3. Use a Mac or PC · 4. Move to ...

Transfer Content - iPhone to iPhone

Transfer Content - iPhone to iPhone - Apple iCloud · From your old iPhone's Home screen, tap. Settings · Tap the. Apple profile · Tap. iCloud · Tap the switch( ...

Use Quick Start to transfer data to a new iPhone or iPad

2024年6月10日 — Transfer data to a new iPhone or iPad using a wireless connection with Quick Start. Make sure that your current device is connected to Wi-Fi and ...